Welcome To Center for Advanced Dentistry
The Center for Advanced Dentistry offers customized and personalized dental care of a standard which meets the highest expectations for aesthetics, bio compatibility and functionality. We perform dentistry, based on scientific evidence mixed with artistry and creative thinking.
As the saying goes, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. In the past, dentists used to offered solutions which were only within their scope of services. However, better results can often be achieved by using sequential or combination treatment within a few specialties, i.e. orthodontics-periodontics-prosthodontics. This vision allows planning and executing cosmetic dentistry for long lasting, predictable, stable, biologically compatible and cosmetically superior results. Today in our practice, a multi-specialty treatment approach is offered and applied in one location, for patient’s comfort and convenience.
Let's Talk
Contact Center for Advanced Dentistry to request an appointment or to request additional information about our services. We look forward to hearing from you.
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